Friday, May 20, 2011

Rejoice with me

Hey Yall,
Caitlin here- As you may or may not know the bible says in Philippians 4:4, "Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!" Paul is telling us to rejoice always. Not just in the good times, but also in the bad times. Well ladies and gentlemen, God has given me a chance to rejoice even in the bad times. Now I must clarify, life right now is pretty good, God has given me some great friends, a job I love, and joy for life. However, it has been a particularly bad week at work due to a bunch of stress and many long hours. Due to the many long hours I had to work this week I did not have the time nor energy to do my typical workouts. My eating was okay, but not fantastic. However God has still given me reason to rejoice.

I weighed myself today and honestly was expecting the scale to read around 203, which has been where I have been maintaining the past few weeks. However, I stepped on the scale today and it said....wait for it..... 199! That is right ladies and gentlemen, I have finally reached one-derland. One-derland is a nice place where I plan to stay. What have you accomplished this week??? Let me know!


Friday, May 13, 2011

No Excuses

Hey Yall,
Caitlin here- Lets be honest with ourselves, there is really no excuse for not working out at least 3x a week.  Preferably more, but I am going to be a bit realistic and understand that people have busy lives. For those who are analytical, number, hardcore facts people, this next part is for you. In one week there are 168 hours. Hopefully 56 or so of that is spent sleeping. That still leaves you with 112 hours in a week that you can work out. I am just not convinced that out of 112 you can't find 3 to do a one hour workout 3x/week.

Another excuse is "I can't afford a gym." Well readers I am here to cast your worries aside. There is always the option of going on a walk/run around the block. That is free and always open. If you aren't keen on going around the block then there are plenty of activities you can do from home. One great exercise that really works the legs is steps. Pick the bottom step and then promise yourself you will do 500. Now, you don't have to do them all at once if you don't want. I usually break it into two sets of two hundred and then a set of 100. Then there are the traditional sit ups/push ups. You can also do lunges, sumo jumps, and jumping jacks. You can do at home work out videos. Another great form of relaxing moving is stretching. You can also do table tops. If you have kids, take them outside and play tag, or race. Trust me, you will burn some great calories, help wear your kids out,  give them quality parent time, and great memories- talk about a win, win, win, win situation (all I do is win win win no matter what...sorry had to throw that in). There are many exercises you can do at home to get yourself moving. One of my favorite things to do is to just put in some headphones and dance like no one is watching. It is a great way to burn calories, burn stress, and let loose. This would be another fun activity to do with your kids. It allows them to be creative and again have a fun time with their parents.

Needless to say, there really is no excuse for you to not get your exercise in for the week. Even if it is just for 30 minutes a few times a week, a little is better than none. Just remember, this is for a healthier life style, weight loss is just a bonus that comes with it :)

Cheers to being healthier!


Monday, May 9, 2011


Hey Yall,
Caitlin here- okay, so as you know this blog is about both physical and spiritual wellness. I haven't posted anything spiritual lately, so I felt like it was due time to do so. I have been pondering on a topic for a few months now and want to get others opinions, especially if you disagree. The question is: Besides some minor differences in modern day translations (ie: NLT, NIV, NASB etc), do you feel like the Bible still says the same thing it did when it was written? Or over time through the many different copies and translations, have we unintentionally changed meanings, lost parts, and just overall changed parts of the Bible? The one issue I do not include in this debate is when a culture does not have a word needed for translation. For example, some cultures in warm climates have no word for snow because they never experience it, thus making it difficult to translate the passage where it says our sins will be white as snow, etc. Thus missionaries have picked a comparable phrase to get the overall idea across. Other than that, is the Bible still intact, or do you feel it has changed over time?

I personally believe that our translations are still accurate. I believe that if God can give us His word through inspiration, then in the same way he can inspire those who translate or make copies of the Bible to keep it accurate.

What is your take?

Saturday, May 7, 2011

I feel good na na na na na na na, I knew that I would now....

Hey Yall, 
Caitlin here- I have to say, I feel so good about myself this week. It is so good being back into a routine and healthy eating. Even going out to eat I made healthier options than what I use to. For example, usually when going out to eat I get a burger, instead I picked one of the advertised healthy meals on the menu, bbq chicken.  Anywho, to keep this from being too long of a post, I just wanted to let the readers know that I did in fact reach my running goal and ran a full mile without stopping on Thursday. It felt so good! I have also lost 3.5 lbs this week for a total of 37.5 lbs lost total. This week I feel unstoppable. How do you feel? 


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Well Isn't That the Munchkin Calling the Midget Short?

Hey Yall,
Caitlin here- I have to admit I caught myself being a little hypocritical today. Some call it the pot calling the kettle black. As the title suggests I like calling it the munchkin calling the midget short. Anywho.... I just blogged about being worth the effort to get in shape and push yourself. Well, I enjoy running at night. I usually don't like to start running until at least 9pm or later. I like it because no one is around. Don't worry, I live in a very safe neighborhood, so I'm really not too worried about running at night. Anyway, I happened to have this evening off of work, which rarely happens. That meant I was able to spend the evening relaxing and was in my Pj's rather early. I knew I needed to go run, but kept putting it off. I just kept giving myself excuses like "I'm already in bed" or "I'm too comfy" or "I'm too tired, I'll do it tomorrow" although I knew full well that if I didn't do it tonight I would most likely not do it tomorrow either. That is when I realized just how hypocritical I was being. Here I am telling everyone to put forth the effort to get healthy, yet I myself was not willing to do so- shame on me! I then got out of bed, got my workout clothes on, and went for a run.  Boy am I glad I did!!!

Once I was outside I did my stretching. I then prayed that God would have pandora play a bunch of songs I like to help keep me motivated and decided that I was going to attempt to run a mile. For me this is huge because I am fairly certain I have never run a mile before. I then took off and began my jog. I have to say, I did not make it a full mile, but boy was I close! Definitely the farthest I have run yet. I ran roughly 8/10 or 9/10 of a mile. I was so close to having the mile, but I knew I was at my limit, and decided to be smart and stop. Needless to say I am so proud of myself from getting up off the couch and not just getting a walk in, but running the farthest I have to date. Today made me feel for the first time that maybe, just maybe, a 5k is obtainable. I have NEVER felt that way before. I have now come up with the goal to run a mile by the end of the week. I think if I try hard and stay consistent that I can do it.


3 in 1

Hey Yall,
Caitlin here- If you haven't been aware, I have been on vacation, so I haven't been blogging. That means you are about to get three blogs in one post, so grab your veggie sticks, get comfy, and get reading:

1) I am worth fighting for:  How many of you watch the biggest loser? I am a bit behind the times because I was on vacation, so I am just now getting a chance to watch it. Now you may or may not know, but I am not a huge fan of Jillian. I hate how she is always in everyones face and swearing at them, and how she makes everything about having a breakthrough. Some people just don't need a break through. Okay, rant done :). That being said, she actually had a moment that I needed to hear. Irene, one of the contestants was 2 lbs shy of losing 100 lbs while on the ranch. Jillian was talking with Irene and trying to motivate her, and Irene was talking about how she wishes she had self confidence. Jillian then told Irene, "You are never going to unless you tell yourself you are worth fighting for" That was a great reminder to me. I mean, I am not struggling with self worth at all right now. Honestly I am probably the most confident I have ever been with myself. I am happy with who I am. That being said, it is still nice to remind yourself that you are worth the effort to get healthy. So to all my followers, please please please remember that you are worth fighting for. You are worth the effort to get healthy. Yes it may seem easier to sit on the couch, or waste time on facebook, but you are worth getting off of your butt and getting a workout in. You are worth picking celery and hummus over a bag of chips. YOU ARE WORTH THE EFFORT!

2) I'm Back!!!: Okay, so as most of you know, I have really been struggling for a long time since moving to DC with getting the weight off. It is a few different things that have led to this struggle. It is partially my inconsistent workouts, partially my on and off again good eating habits, and partially because I have been plateauing. It seems even when I am on point and really trying I still don't seem to get anywhere. That led me to kind of stop trying. However, before I went on vacation I just got a second wind and really hit the workouts hard. I have been pushing myself and really trying. My eating has been on point. I am still in a plateau, but I really think I can get out of it this time. I made a promise to myself before I went on vacation that I would not give up my good eating habits or work out routine. I reminded myself that just because I am on vacation does not mean I am entitled to eat whatever I want. I am still responsible to myself and the scale for what I eat. I did tell myself I could make some unhealthy options, but not as many as I usually would make. I definitely stuck to that goal. For example, our first day there we ate at the cafe at our hotel. All I wanted was a nice juicy burger. Instead, I had a salad. While at the disney park we ate at a restaurant. I knew I did not want a salad because I had already had two or three at that point throughout the trip. However none of the options were overly healthy. Thus, I settled on ordering two meals- a salad, and chicken parmesan. I then split both of them with one of the clients. This allowed me to eat what I want, but not eat an entire unhealthy meal. I think that was a good compromise. I also worked out in the gym, did a lot of walking at the park, and went dancing. That being said, I did gain a pound, but consider the old me would have had multiple burgers and pizza instead of salad or grilled chicken, I consider it a big win.

3) A good day: Last one, I promise! Before vacation Ashley and I were talking and realized we both had really good days, and we wanted to brag about it. We promised we would blog our triumphs and failure. We have had plenty of failures recently and are excited to post a triumph. Lets start with Ashley. Ashley decided she was hungry and decided that she wanted subway. Subway is a few miles away. Instead of driving, she decided to walk. Ashley ended up walking a total of 5 miles. Thus she had a healthy meal and some good exercise. YAY ASHLEY!!!  I also happened to have a good day. I was on point with my eating, which is always good. I also got some good exercise. I went for a night time run/walk. Now I always do more running than walking, however I have really been pushing myself to run farther than I usually do. I was able to run the farthest I have ever run before (or at least that I was able to document) I was able to run almost half a mile. Now, I know for many this does not seem like much, but if you know me at all and my hate for running, that is a big accomplishment. So Ashley and I are both excited at our progress!!!

How are the rest of you doing? Any victories, and struggles? Let me know, I want to hear from you!!!


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

100 Reasons

Yesterday, I Ashley, reached my 200th day of my new healthy lifestyle.  I have had many hurdles, and many successes, but isn't that what life is about?  Wouldn't life be grand if you had the desire every day to exercise, no temptations with eating, and the pounds would just fall off?  Yeah that would be the life...except it wouldn't be life at all, because you wouldn't be living.  In the past 200 days I have lost 48.5 inches off my body from head to toe and seen the 50 lbs weight loss on the scale.  I have more energy.  I have dropped soda completely and don't even take a double look at it, but have learned to love my water bottle that goes everywhere with me.  Not every day in the past 200 days have been perfect, I have had ups and downs especially with moving, but every meal is a new meal, every day is a new day.  I have a long way to go, but I am learning to crave after God instead of food.  I highly recommend everyone to read the book "Made to Crave".  I have a ton of reasons on why I want to lose weight.  Last night I came across these 100 reasons, can you relate to any?  Sadly I can, but I am working on eliminating those one off the list one by one.

100 Reasons…

1. To feel good about ourselves.
2. To have GREAT sex! :)
3. So we won’t think people are laughing or talking about us.
4. To buy clothes in a “normal store” and actually get clothes with some style to them that fit correctly.
5. To have more energy!
6. To be able to tie your shoes/paint toenails.
7. To be able to sit on a floor and get up gracefully.
8. To wear a bathing suit.
9. To cross your legs or sit with them crossed.
10. To fit into an airline/theater/bus/whatever seat without spilling over and without having to see “that look” from the person who has to sit beside you.
11. So our ankles won’t swell.
12. To fit into a booth at any restaurant.
13. To not need an extension to a seat belt on an airplane and to have the tray table not balance on our bellies.
14. To not worry about being decapitated in our cars with our seat belts on if we should be in an accident.
15. To not turn beet red after moderate exertion.
16. To be able to pick something up off the floor.
17. Pantyhose that fit!
18. To go to an amusement park and ride the rides.
19. To be able to sit in any chair without worry of breakage.
20. To not have to apologize when caught in a narrow aisle and have someone need to get by.
21. To go dancing, sky diving, bungee jumping…
22. To be able to go horseback riding or ride a bike.
23. To not worry about rashes and sweating.
24. To not have to listen to “caring” people ask why you don’t diet or worse still to hear… “gee you have such a pretty face”.
25. To not worry about spilling food, sauces or gravy down the front of your blouse/dress/shirt when eating.
26. To not have to think up some excuse for not doing something because you know your weight will impede you.
27. To not have your belly hit the steering wheel and to be able to fit comfortably in the driver’s seat.
28. To have a bra fit comfortably and to be able to buy underwear at Victoria’s Secret rather than at “Tubby the Underwear Guy”.
29. To not have to worry about the weight limit of step stools, ladders, motorcycle, exercise equipment, etc.
30. To not get stuck in a turn style.
31. To not wake up feeling achy in the back..or to have ache free legs and feet.
32. So the bathroom scale won’t creak and groan when you step on it.

33. To be able to leave the tablecloth on the table at a restaurant instead of dragging it with you when you get up.
34. So you won't look the other way when you see yourself in a monitor where they have security cameras.
35. To never be embarrassed about your size.
36. To not count tying shoes as daily exercise.
37. To not have to wait for the handicap stall when there are plenty of other stalls available.
38. To not be more out of shape than seniors.
39. To not break toilet seat when leaning to one side.
40. To be able to put on wedding rings again.
41. To try to make a double chin and fail!
42. Buy clothing bargains to fit the next year ... and they do!
43. Not to have to worry about plastic zippers or having your pants bust open.
44. Normal waistbands rather than elastic!
45. To wear knee socks correctly instead of worn like slouches!
46. To look good in a tee shirt!
47. To try on slacks or jeans and have the pant leg actually fit over leg!
48. To be able to get close to sink and not come away with a wet belly!
49. To get out of a stuffed chair GRACEFULLY and not look down to see if the chair has come up with you!
50. To not worry if the hairdresser's smock will fit!
51. To not be self-conscious about eating in front of others!
52. To not be afraid to ask which hairstyle suits your face.
53. To not have people checking you out after looking in your grocery cart.
54. To not feel (and look) like a sausage in stirrup pants.
55. To have your friends NOT be embarrassed to be seen with you.
56. To get promotions/hired or close that sale.
57. Pants that stay up because your waist is smaller than your butt!
58. No more boobs! (this is for the guys!)
59. Wearing shorts or tank tops without fear of arrest or grossing out others!
60. To not have the fear of being rejected.
61. To successfully flirt!
62. To not worry about how to get in and out of the back seat in a two door car!
63. One size fits all and it fits you!
64. To have a lap.
65. To not have the car you are ride in slant in your direction.
66. To be able to use toilet paper as it was meant to be used and not to have to invent ways to "get the job done".
67. To not have to watch TV news reports on fat people in hopes that you haven't been caught on camera!
68. To be able to get between cars in a parking lot without wiping the dust off with your belly and your butt.
69. No more heat rashes and chafing in the upper thighs.
70. So that the cloth in the thigh area doesn't wear away long before the rest of the slacks do!
71. To meet a friend online and not be horrified to have to send a picture of yourself.
72. To not take fat references and fat jokes personally.
73. To know you can go anywhere because wherever you sit you CAN be comfortable and look at ease.
74. To shop at the mall and not have your back ache from lugging your huge butt and stomach around!
75. To be able to stand still, carrying nothing and still look poised.
76. To be able to cross your arms across your chest without them resting on your stomach!
77. To have your feet get smaller.
78. Using your mouth to taste and chew food rather than as just a route to get the food from your lips to your stomach.
79. Blood pressure returns to normal.
80. To avoid other health complications from being overweight.
81. To be able to borrow a co-worker's jacket for an important meeting.
82. To meet someone for the first time and their eyes don't pop out of their head with amazement...because they never knew you're fat!
83. To see your reflection in a mirror or store window without turning away!
84. To wear a watch with a regular length watch band.
85. To look in the mirror when getting your hair cut without thinking you have the biggest face in the world.
86. To not mind getting your picture taken.
87. To not avoid going to the doctor because you have to get "weighed" in.
88. To wake up each morning feeling energized and ready to go.
89. To not even worry about squeezing into small spaces.
90. To not have to enter an elevator and check the weight limit.
91. To look in your closet and have problems deciding which stylish outfit to work since you have so many that look good and fit well.
92. To not have to lie perfectly still in bed at night for fear of breaking the bed!
93. To buy tie shoes instead of slip ons!
94. To be able to walk any distance without looking for a bench to sit on.
95. To look forward to shopping and just trying on clothes!
96. To be able to drive by any fast food place without salivating!
97. To be able to shop at the same store for food instead of having to remember where you shopped last night for the junk food so you can avoid that store for a few days!
98. To not feel lower than low when an innocent child remarks about your size!
99. To not constantly be thinking of where your next morsel of food is coming from.
100. And the 100th reason to lose 100 pounds..... I'M WORTH IT!
- Author Of List Unknown

Monday, April 18, 2011


Hey Yall,
Just wanted to give you a progress report. As stated in an earlier blog, I have a chart to note my weight loss progress, with the hopes of being to 180 by Sept 3. So far I am off to an okay start. I lost 1.5 lbs the first week, and maintained the second week (this is actually good considering the week I had). I must say though, today has been a pretty good day. My eating has been on point and I have done a lot of exercising. So far I have done some dancing, I went for a walk/jog- and even jogged my farthest yet, did pilates/yoga, and will end the night doing a dance workout. Today I can truly say I have put forth the effort I should and can go to sleep a happy woman. However, the true test comes next week. I am going on a "vacation" with work to Florida. This means I have a lot less control over what I get to eat because we will have a lot of group meals. We are staying at a resort, so hopefully they will have some sort of a work out facility. I believe my goal will be to wake up early each day (or at least schedule time each day) to work out for an hour. It may be doing laps in the pool, or an all out workout in the gym, but either way I am going to work out while on vacation. Hopefully between this, all the walking I will be doing visiting the different theme parks, and watching what I eat, I will be able to survive this trip and maybe lose some weight in the process. Be praying for me that I stay strong. How is everyone else doing with their weight loss? Any triumphs? Any struggles? Let me know!


Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Hey yall,
Caitlin here: So as my last post stated, I have set myself up a goal to lose about 25 lbs by the end of August. It has already been a struggle, but I am working on it. One idea I had to keep myself motivated was to think of some reward to treat myself with should I reach my goal. This is where I need some help. Anyone have any ideas on some decent rewards that aren't too expensive? One idea I had is going to Ocean City, Md. Now, some of yall might be thinking- how in the world is that not expensive?!? Well, every September my company takes a beach trip to Ocean City around the 2nd week of September. This would be right after I have met my goal. We usually go in two groups. One group goes for the first few days of the week and the second group goes the last few days of the week. What I would do is see if I could take some time off and just go with both groups. I believe my group is in the first part of the week, so I would just see if I could stay with the second group. This would allow me to be able to stay and not have hotel/food costs, unless I wanted to eat out. That would significantly reduce costs of going. However, I am not sure if this will work or not. That being said, does anyone have any other feasible reward ideas? If so comment and let me know! Thanks!


Friday, March 25, 2011

New Day

Hey Yall,
Caitlin here: So I think I may have finally found what works for me. My own form of accountability. I have set a goal and created a chart to help me monitor my progress. I am currently plateaued at around 205. My goal is to be to 180 by the end of the summer. I have a chart for each week starting April 1st and ending Sept 3rd. I will weigh in every Saturday and document it on the chart. This will help me to see my progress and to hold myself accountable. As stated before, my goal is to be to 180 by Sept 3rd. That is about a pound a week, which is manageable. Anyone want to join me in this challenge? 25 lbs by the end of the summer? Let me know!


Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Hey Yall,
Caitlin here: Okay, I admit it, I need prayers. I am honestly getting to the point where I feel like ever since Ashley and I began this blog I have just been under attack. What I mean by that is this: Since beginning the blog I have lost almost all the time I have available to work out and have lost some motivation to eat healthy, I still eat healthy more than I did a year ago, but less than when I started this whole journey. It just seems that in the area of being fit and healthy everything is going awry. As stated in a previous post, my work schedule is kinda crazy. A typical work schedule for me is: Sunday: 2pm-9pm or 4pm-9pm depending on the week, Mon-Thur: 7am-9:30am, 3pm-9pm, Fri: 7am-10am. That should be what my week looks like. However, since October my Monday's have been 7am-9pm. Also, clients have been home at least one or two days during the week for various reasons, meaning I am working 7am-9pm multiple times during the week. On top of that, one of my clients had to have some emergency major surgery, which means at least a month or two of recovery, thus meaning I will not have any semblance of a normal schedule for a long time to come. That also means a lot of eating out. I am currently working weird shifts so that she can have staffing while in the hospital on top of maintaining the home and other client. That means I am at the hospital for at least one meal a day, sometimes more. Luckily I have been picking healthier options like fish and salad, but you all know how difficult it is to eat healthy when you have not prepared it yourself. All of that has been said just to say please pray. I truly feel like I do not have the time to workout and now even my ability and honestly my desire to eat healthy is out the door too. Just pray that God will instill in me the motivation to exercise and that He grant me the time to do so. Also that I get the desire to really buckle down on my healthy eating. It is truly a struggle right now. Any prayers are welcome. Thanks all!


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I'm Satisfied

Hey yall,
Caitlin here: So this particular post is of a comical nature. I was introduced to this song a few years back and loved it. I think we all can relate to it. It is to the tune of "I will survive" the song is I'm satisfied and it is by Chonda Pierce. I hope you appreciate the lyrics:

I’m Satisfied 
Chonda Pierce 
At first I was afraid I was mortified 
Kept thinking I would get a treadmill when I turned 45 
But then I spent so many nights eating all those krispy kremes
And I could see, I’d never fit in my blue jeans 
And so im back 
On norditrack   
I just walk miles and I get nowhere  
Trying to burn up all this fat 
I should have changed to pepsi free, cottage cheese, or celery 
If I had known for just one second there’d be so much more of me 
I go and go 
I walk out the door 
I just turn around now  
And there’s the weight I was before  
Who said that being fit would somehow set me free? 
Oh no not I, I’m satisfied 
I don’t care if I will never be a size 2 in my life 
I’ve got all my life to live  and ive got all this love to give 
I’m satisfied, I’m satisfied, hey hey 
I count all those silly rice cakes that won’t pass through my lips 
I just want chocolate covered donuts hanging on my hips  
Cause I spent oh so many nights just trying to starve myself 
I use to cry, but now I always supersize 
And you can see, there’s more of me 
I’m not that scrawny little girl that I used to be  
Fried foods and double chins are still a girls best friend 
Keep those models on the run way, cause im a perfect 10  
Repeat chorus 

Never forget that no matter what size you may be you are worth so much! Don't get down on yourself during your journey to a healthier life style, choose to be satisfied! 

Monday, February 7, 2011

Why I've Been Silent

Hey Yall,
Caitlin here: I know I have not written in a while, but that has been for good reason....I haven't had anything to write about. These past few weeks have been a struggle. The only form of exercise I get is when I go for a walk/jog outside during the day. I have had a couple different things keep me from being able to do this. 1) Bad weather- we got 6" of snow about two weeks ago. This caused downed trees and power lines and it took a long time for the city to get it cleared up, making jogging unsafe, 2) My clients- usually they go to day programs and I get time off during the day. The past month I have had one or both clients home all day for 3-4 days in a row, meaning no time off for me. Needless to say, on the days that I did not have them home I chose to nap and relax. I would love to say that I am blogging now because I am back on the wagon, but that just isn't true and probably won't be for another few weeks. However, I have done two positive things in the meantime. First, I bought a new pair of running shoes. This way when I start running again I have a good pair of shoes to use. Second, I have not gained any weight. I may not be losing any, but the fact that I haven't exercised in three weeks, and haven't been eating as healthy as I have in the past yet I am still maintaining my weight, makes me happy. I still have a few more weeks where my clients will be home more than usual, meaning I end up working at least 60 hour weeks. Who wants to exercise after working a 60 hour work week??? Certainly not this girl. However I do promise to do start C25K again once things at work have calmed down.  How have things been going with you???

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Dreadful Jogging

Hey it's Ashley.  Last week Caitlin and I both hit a wall in the jogging world.  I got sick and there was no way I was going to jog, but luckily I did make it to the gym a few times and became better friends with the elliptical.    Last week was pretty discouraging, and I thought to myself "I am just under 290 lbs and there is no way I can run 90 seconds!"  90 seconds intervals is suppose to be week 2 of the C25K.  So when I got sick I secretly thought "thank you Jesus I can put off the running".  Isn't that awful?  This week when Monday came around I knew I had to start running again.  After running for a minute, I realized that when you are training your body for anything, that when you take a week off it will set you backwards.  I was proud of myself for running and not giving up.  Today came along and I knew I had to push myself.  Instead of running the 90 seconds, I increased the amount of intervals.  I went from jogging 8 laps of 60 seconds each to 10 laps.  I figure that if I gradually increase this every week, that I will be training my body for the endurance of running a longer time as I am loosing weight.  Lets face it I am not exactly fit and the standard body fit of a person that starts the C25K program.  But let me tell you, if I have to start my running career by tweaking the program to running more laps then running time then I will do that, and sometime in 2011 I will be able to cross off my New Years Resolution of running a 5k.  Don't give up on your fitness goals for this year, but tweak what will make it right for you to keep going instead of wanting to give up. I guarantee it will get you to be more successful this year.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Eating what you want...well, sorta...

Hey Yall,
Caitlin here- Some of you may or may not know that I am currently following the new weightwatchers program. At first I wasn't a fan of it and found myself constantly hungry. That was until I learned what worked for me. I would have 10 pointsplus meals, and only get 3 meals a day. This did not work and I found I was always hungry. Thus, I tweaked it. Instead of having a 10 pointsplus meal I would have a 3-4 pointsplus breakfast and then a 7-8 pointsplus lunch, and then a 4-10 pointsplus dinner. This left me with anywhere between 7- 15 pointsplus leftover for the day, which meant I could have some small snacks in between.  This also means that I get to have a small ice cream cone every night and still lose weight. Let me tell you, tweaking my diet has made all the difference. I have also found how to make my pointsplus work in my favor. For example (i know yall probably don't care what I eat, but bear with me, it has a point) yesterday I had scrambled egg whites, 3 turkey bacon, fruit, and a yogurt for breakfast, for lunch I had a hamburger with an order of fries, and for dinner I had roasted chicken, green beans, broccoli salad, fruit, and for dessert I had an ice cream cone- and never once did I go over my pointsplus for the day. Then today I had a big breakfast- 2 big chocolate chip pancakes (like from a restaurant- so I mean BIG), 3 real bacon (turkey bacon will never quite compare), and half an order of home fries, I then had a tall java chip frappe from Starbucks with an extra pump of mocha, and for dinner I had 3 oz of roasted chicken, 2 oz of cajun fish, broccoli salad, corn, and fruit, and for dessert- an ice cream cone. Again, I did not go over my pointsplus allotment. How could I eat all that and still not go over points? Easy- learn to use your pointsplus or calorie allotment wisely. You just learn to delegate them wisely. On Friday I chose to have a lower point meal- it came out to 5 pointsplus. I then used some of my bonus points for my lunch, and it came out to 30 pointsplus. Yes, that is a huge amount, but I had the pointplus available, so I used them and have no need to feel guilty for it- I call it a win! I then had a dinner that came out to 5 pointsplus and an ice cream cone that came out to 4, totaling 45 pointsplus for the day.

With the new weightwatchers system I get 29 daily pointsplus and 49 weekly bonus pointsplus to use at will. My plan of attack is to be on target Mon-Thur. During those days I stay right at the 29 mark. This gives me all of my bonus points to use on the weekend. I have weekends off so I usually like to go out to eat, thus I really try to save my bonus pointsplus for the weekend. I then split up the bonus pointsplus between the three days and I  usually split them  evenly. Which means 16 extra points two days of the week and 17 the other day. I then get to add that to my daily allotment of 29 pointspplus so I get 45 or 46 pointsplus each day over the weekend. A lot can be done with 46 points. What this means is that I still get to enjoy the foods I love without feeling deprived that I am not getting them and without feeling guilty that I am eating them. Another way I help is to still eat healthy on the weekends. Yes, I may have one meal where I choose an unhealthy item (hamburger/fries/ big breakfast, etc) but I make up for it by having chicken for dinner with veggies and fruit. This allows me to use my pointsplus for items that I otherwise wouldn't get to eat because they are too high in pointsplus. I also throw in exercise. I usually exercise 3-4 times a week. This gives me extra pointsplus I could use, but I choose to never use them because then I know that I have an extra cushion should I need it.

All of this has been said to leave you with this: do not deprive yourself. You will struggle greatly if you try to live a healthy lifestyle and cut out everything you love to eat. You are setting yourself up for failure. However, if you plan your meals accordingly you can still enjoy what you eat and not feel like you are trapped in some horrible diet. Again, if you throw in some exercise this could also give you a few extra pointsplus or calories you get to have, which can aid you with what you want to eat. Just make sure you don't give yourself too many bonus points/calories. Needless to say,  I got to have a burger and fries yesterday and two absolutely fantastic meals today (I ended up not needing a third because of the big breakfast and starbucks), I still stayed within my pointsplus allotment, and I am feeling anything but deprived and I certainly don't feel guilty. In fact, I am the exact opposite. I am in a rather good mood because I got to enjoy my day and eat food that I love. Can you say the same? If not what are some changes you can make to make your healthy lifestyle work for you?

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Lacking Motivation

Hey Yall,
Caitlin here- Confession time: This has been such a rough week for me! I have been pretty spot on with my eating, but exercise has been lacking.  You are suppose to do it 3x per week. The last time I ran was on Saturday. I am not able to run again usually until Tuesday's, but didn't do it on Tuesday. I kept putting off doing C25K until yesterday. Even then I didn't do it properly. Yesterday it was snowy and cold, so I decided that I was not going to go outside. However, I really knew I needed to do C25K, so I did it indoors. I have a big bedroom so I jogged around my bedroom/up the stairs/jogged in place for all of my running time. I could tell it was not pushing me as hard as when I run outside. That being said, at least I still did it. Then today happened. I decided that I was not going to give myself any more excuses and I was gonna man up and just do it, and do it right. Well, that mostly happened. I must admit, on two different running cycles I stopped with about 10 more seconds left to go. However, I am still proud of the fact that I went out and did it when I would much rather have just been cozy in my bed napping. I have come to the conclusion that having an online accountability partner slightly works, but having someone here in person would be a lot better. I am a lot more motivated when I know someone is on their way over to run with me. All of that being said has led to this statement: Ashley, you just need to move already so we can run together!!!

How is everyone else doing with their physical activity???

Sunday, January 9, 2011

A few of my favorite things

Hey Yall,
Caitlin here- the last few posts have been kinda hard hitting and maybe a bit of a downer. This post is hopefully gonna be a bit more upbeat. Here is a list of some of my favorite things in regard to a healthier lifestyle:

10. Going down dress sizes
9. A boost in confidence
8. Feeling good about myself after I have finished a meal because I didn't stuff myself
7. Feeling good about myself after going for a walk/run.
6. Being proud of who I am choosing to become
5. Finding self worth- to know that whether I am chunky or tiny, I am worth knowing and being cared for by friends and family.
4.  Getting to be an encouragement to others through this blog
3. Having the support of others/being held accountable
2. Fruits being free on the weightwatchers program- that thrills me!
1.Growing in my relationship with God by spending time with him during my workouts.

How does your list look???

Saturday, January 8, 2011

You never said it would be easy....

Hey Yall,
Caitlin here- I must say, I am not even sure how to begin this post, there are so many ways that I want this to come off and so much I want to accomplish with it. I apologize in advance if it seems a bit scatter brained or if you feel it does not adequately cover the topic, but this is a hard topic to cover. I also apologize that this particular post is so long, but I really feel it all needs to be relayed. That being said, have you ever had those moments where you feel like God can't hear you? Where you are in such a deep valley that you can't seem to find a way out? A valley so deep that not even the light ventures down to where you are? Before I continue I want people to know I am not writing this because I am in a valley, I am writing this for those who are in the valley. I have been there, and it is not a fun place to be. There are many different things that can put us into a valley: the death of a family member, a situation where you just can't see the light at the end of the tunnel, financial issues, marital issues, the list could go on and on, and then go on some more. I have had my own valleys. My two most recent valleys have involved my job and my car.

On July 8, 2009 I got a call from my job telling me that I had been fired. I was hurt by how it all played out and not sure what I was going to do. Thus began my valley. I began searching for jobs immediately. Within one day I had put in over 40 applications, within a week I had probably put in nearly 80. I figured I would have a job in no time. On top of all of this I had student loans coming due and car problems that kept adding up. The car had one thing after another go wrong and the mechanic couldn't seem to figure out what was wrong with it. About $3000 later everything was fixed, or so I thought, but more on that later.  To make a very long story somewhat short, I started to see a light at the end of my valley in March of 2010, almost a year after I had lost my job. I had found a job near my family in Michigan. The lady seemed very interested in me and had even sent me my schedule. I began packing up my house and told my quiz team of the possibility of me moving. A few days later I got an e-mail saying she had hired someone else. I was devastated and plunged back into my valley. The only difference this time is that  I had a lead on another job, so I was not completely without hope. This job was in Maryland. After researching the company and getting details about the job, I really felt like this was where God wanted me. I truly felt in the bottom of my soul that this was the plan God had for me. I felt so strongly about it that I again began to pack up my house. I was able to arrange a phone interview and thought it had gone really well and they said they wanted to schedule a second interview. This made me very hopeful. When I called to schedule the second interview I found out they had already filled the position and had no other positions available at the moment. On top of this, I was having more car issues, but I was terrified to bring it to the shop because I knew it would be expensive. This plunged me into my darkest valley to date.

I remember going to the local community college for my morning run/walk. I put on Evanescence and began running, and while I ran I just started to cry. I was so lost and confused. To me it almost felt like God was toying with me.  Not only had I not gotten the job that I was sure God wanted me to have, but I had no other prospects or leads on jobs, I had run out of resources on where to look for jobs, and I really felt like I didn't know how to listen to the promptings of the holy spirit. The next week or two were very dark and confusing times. One song that really got me through that time is a song by Tree63 called Blessed Be Your Name. In the song it says "you give and take away, you give and take away, my heart will choose to say, Lord blessed be your name." The song is saying that in the good times and in the bad times it is my choice to worship the Lord. Even though I was singing it through tears I meant with all of my heart that even though it was a bad time I was still going to praise Him. I felt like God had taken away from me the job I was suppose to have, and I didn't understand why, but even still, I was going to praise His name. Finally, July 2010 came around, a full year and week after I had lost my job I got a call back from the company in Maryland. They unexpectedly had an opening and wanted to do a second interview. As all of you can probably figure out, I got the job. I was elated. I finally saw the end of my valley, or mostly at least.

Now I had the stress of moving and having to get my car fixed before I made the 16 hour drive. God worked that all out as well and provided the money for me to move. This in return caused a whole other valley. As soon as I moved here I got attacked by Satan. I felt lonely, I was having problems getting my car registered, I was having problems at work, I couldn't find a church that I liked- everything was just going wrong. Again I looked to the song Blessed Be Your Name, and again, God worked it all out. All of that has been said to bring you up to now. I got a notice in the mail from the maryland vehicle administration saying that I needed to get my car tested for emissions. Needless to say, I was having even more car problems and could not get it tested. I then went to take it to get the oil changed. While there I got a list of parts that needed to be replaced- and all of them were legitimate needs. The total? $3000 and some change. I sat in the waiting room trying to decide what to do and God brought another song to my heart. The song is called "If You Want Me To" by Ginny Owens. I had not thought of this song in years, but it was exactly what I needed to hear. The lyrics are as follows:

The pathway is broken
And the signs are unclear
And I dont know the reason why you brought me here
But just because You love me the way that You do
I will go through the valley
If You want me to
Now I'm not who I was
When I took my first step
And I'm clinging to the promise
You're not through with me yet
So if all of these trials bring me closer to You
I will go through the fire
If You want me to
It may not be the way I would have chosen
When you lead me through a world that's not my own
But You never said it would be easy
You only said I'll never go alone
So when the whole world turns against me
And I'm all by myself
And I can't hear You answer my cries for help
I'll remember the suffering Your love put You through
And I will walk through the darkness
If You want me to. 
Cause when I cross over Jordan  
I'm gonna sing, I'm gonna shout  
I'm gonna look into your eyes and see 
You never let me down  
so take me on the pathway 
that leads me home to you 
and I will walk through the valley 
if you want me to.  
Yes I will walk through the valley 
If you want me to.  

What a song! I played that song over and over while sitting in that waiting room. I told God that I didn't understand why I kept having so many problems with my car. I love my car, it has been my favorite car yet, and God knows I don't want to get rid of it. God also knows of my desire to go onto the mission field. I do not want to take all of that money to fix a car that will keep breaking when I could use that money to pay off my student loans. Nor do I want to take out a loan for another car. Thus, while sitting in that waiting room I told God that I would sell my car, if he wanted me to. I refused to go back into a valley over my beloved car. I may not want to sell my car, but if that is the path God has for me, then I will take it.  

My favorite line from the song is this: I will remember the suffering your love put you through and I will walk through the darkness if you want me to.  

I know that maybe right now is a valley time for you. Maybe the pathway you are on is broken and you don't know why God has allowed to happen everything that is going on right now. God never promised us it would be easy- but he did promise us that He would never leave us nor forsake us. He also promised us "lo I am with you always"- even in the valley. Just remember, God loves you, and he is in control. He has a plan for you. Although you may not understand it, God does. Remember His love for you. It makes no sense that God would come to this earth and become human for us. Then on top of that he would make the ultimate sacrifice and give himself up for us. God gave up his son so that we could be with him. God has a plan, and it may not make any sense. What I pray for you is that you are will tell God that you are willing to go through the valley, and through the darkness, and even the fire if God wants you to. Remember, fire isn't always a bad thing. It does more than just burn,destroy, and leave things in ruin. It refines- burns out the dross and brings forth the gold. Fire also can reforge that which has been broken. At this moment your trial may seem like a fire that only destroys, but it could be a fire that is refining you into who God wants you to be. It may seem like your valley has no end, but trust me when I say this- it came to pass. You will eventually climb out of that valley. In the mean time seek God and be willing to do what he says. Turn to him as your strength and as your refuge. Read Psalm 27. God shows that even in the valley he is with us. Not only is he with us, but if you keep reading David goes on to say that he is confident he will see the goodness of God. In other words remain faithful, seek God, and you will see an end to your valley and there will be joy on your lips. God has a reason and purpose for everything, even if it does not make sense to us. Just stay on the path God has for you- even if it leads through valleys. I pray that Ginny's song helps you get through your valley as it has helped get me through mine. If you would like to listen to the song here is a link: 

With a broken heart for the hurting, 

Friday, January 7, 2011


Hey Yall,
Caitlin here- so a part of the blog is physical fitness and the other part is spiritual fitness. This would fall under the spiritual fitness category. In my quite time with God I am reading a few different books, one of them is Passion and Purity: Learning to Bring Your Love Life Under Christ's Control by Elisabeth Elliot. The book follows the romance of her and her husband and she uses it to show how to let God rule your love life. So far it has been a very interesting book. The chapters are short, so it makes for easy reading. Last night I read chapter 17: What To Do With Loneliness? and a few things struck me that I wanted to share.

I tend to be one who goes through cycles of loneliness. Right now I am actually feeling pretty good, but I know that probably within in the next few weeks or so I will probably start to feel lonely again. This chapter I think has really helped me to face it. One line that specifically caught me what this: "Let not your longing slay the appetite of your living." Jim and Elisabeth had to spend some time apart and he was reminding her to live to the fullest, even though they weren't together. I think we all need that reminder now and again. Yes, I may be lonely at times, but that should not determine my life. It should not keep me from living to the fullest! A friend of mine has a poster that says "Where you live should not determine whether you live." I think the concept is similar in this situation. How you feel should not determine whether you live. Don't be afraid to go out on your own and have some fun. Also, don't be afraid to get together with couples and hang out. You just need to keep perspective. Don't hold a grudge because you are the only single in the group. Choose to enjoy the time out with others.

Another thing that struck me what this: "God has me single for a reason." God is in charge, which means that if you are single it is for a purpose. God has a purpose for everything. He has not forgotten about you, he has not just decided to disregard how you are feeling. He has a grand plan. Right now that plan could be for you to be single. Instead of constantly worrying about your loneliness remember that God has a plan. You may not understand what that plan is, but he has a plan and a purpose. Your job is to seek God with all of your heart and search for His will above your own. Remember God's promise to us: Jeremiah 29:11-13- he has a plan for us, and he will show himself to us if we seek him with all of our heart.

I want to leave you with this, a pamphlet from the book on how to deal with loneliness:
Be still and know that he is God: When you are lonely too much stillness is exactly the thing that seems to be laying waste to your soul. Use that stillness to quiet your heart before God. Get to know him. If He is God, He is still in charge.
Remember that you are not alone:  The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” Deut 31:8. Jesus promised his disciples, "Lo, I am with you always" Matthew 28:20. Never mind if you cannot feel His presence. He is there, never for one moment forgetting you.
Give Thanks: In times of my greatest loneliness I have been lifted up by the promise of 2 Corinthians 4:17,18, "For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."
Refuse self-pity: Refuse it absolutely. It is a deadly thing with power to destroy you. Turn your thoughts to Christ who has already carried your griefs and sorrows.
Accept your loneliness: It is one stage, and only one stage, on a journey that brings you to God. It will not always last.
Offer up your loneliness to God As the little boy offered to Jesus his five loaves and two fishes. God can transform it for the good of others.
Do something for someone else: No matter who or where you are, there is something you can do, somebody who needs you. Pray that you may be an instrument of God's peace, that where there is loneliness you may bring joy.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Great News!

Hey Yall,
Caitlin here- I just heard some of the best news I think I have gotten in a long time. Ready for it? Chocolate milk is a great item to drink after a hard work out. Yep, you heard me right- chocolate milk. And the angels rejoiced! Okay, I doubt the angels rejoiced, but I sure did. For anyone who knows me, they know I like chocolate, in almost any variety, and especially in my milk. Now I am not sure if it is just any milk that is good for it, or if it is specifically chocolate milk, but I at least know chocolate milk is allowed. That being said, just remember, everything in moderation. Also, it is only suggested for hardcore work outs that are at least an hour long or more. Here is some more information on it- let the rejoicing commence!

A New Creation

Hey Yall,
Caitlin here- So this week has been a rough week for me. I am not sure why, but it just seems like I am hungry all the time. I don't mean I'm bored so I want to eat. I mean, I'm hungry that I could eat another entire meal. I go through phases like this, so I'm not too surprised- I also have phases where I take 5 bites and I'm done. Anywho, that being said, it has been very difficult to keep myself accountable when I am always hungry. I am following the new weightwatchers program and fruit is 0 pointsplus- which is nice, but lets face it- I don't always want fruit or veggies to snack on. It is very easy to get into the routine of beating yourself up for having an off day (or in my case, week). Today I caught myself saying "what's the point, you've already had a crappy week and have most definitely blown all of your bonus points- might as well not worry about this week." But then I was reminded of Luke 9:23, " 23 Then he said to them all: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me."

Oddly enough, this reminded me of living a healthy lifestyle. Every day it is a choice. You must daily choose to live a healthy lifestyle just like you must daily choose to follow Christ. I then thought of 2 Corinthians 5:17 "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!" Now, I know this is talking about the spiritual life, but again, I also feel it can apply to living the healthy lifestyle. Yesterday is gone, the decisions I made yesterday are done. Today is a new day, the old has gone and the new is here! That means that I refuse to beat myself up for not having a stellar day (or week). It means that today I am going to make the choice to stick with it. The me of yesterday is gone, and the me of today is going strong. Don't forget to pick up your cross every day and follow Christ, and stick to your healthy lifestyle. In the end both will be worth it. Any thoughts? Agree or disagree with something I said? Let me know!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Mexican Chicken

Hey Yall,
Caitlin here- as we promised, there is a lot that we want to do with this blog that we have yet to unveil. This is one of those unveilings. Not only do we want to share in our journey toward health, we want to help you in that journey as well. One of the ways we decided to do that is through recipe posting. If we find recipes we like that are healthy we will post them to share with you. Now understand, these are not original recipes. Almost all of them will be from cookbooks or online- but we will make sure to tell you where we got them from. Also, if you have any healthy recipes that you like, email them to and I will give them a try. If I like them I will repost for everyone to enjoy. Thus without further adieu- our first recipe:

Mexican Chicken- my dad concocted this a few years ago and it is surprisingly tasty and healthy. Here is what you need:
Skinless boneless chicken breast
Fat free cream cheese.

How to make it:
First, preheat your oven to 350.
In a bowl mix 1/4 c fat free cream cheese with 1 cup salsa.
Mash the cream cheese until it is blended into the salsa- the creme cheese will still be lumpy, but mashing it helps the flavors to mesh.
At this point you should have a medium thick sauce- it should have an orange tint to it.
Pour the concoction over each of the chicken breasts (you may need more sauce, depending on how much chicken you are cooking. I found that my sauce covered 3 pieces of chicken weighing roughly 3.5 oz each, plus another piece weighing 2 oz.).  You could also stuff the sauce into the chicken, like chicken cordon bleu- but frankly I am just too lazy to do that- so I pour it over.
Cook at 350 for 30-40 min depending on your oven. Bake until fully cooked. Pull out of oven, serve.

Pretty easy right? The best part- each piece of chicken is only 3 pointsplus (if you are following weight watchers)  Here is the caloric information for you:
For a 4oz chicken breast with sauce:
Calories: 200 (probably less, but I would rather overestimate than under estimate)  

Hope you enjoy- happy eating!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Years Resolutions

Hey all, it's Ashley.  Sorry for the quietness but life has been busy as I am preparing to move.  So Happy New Years!  It's the fourth day into the new year, and I want to know, how are your resolutions playing out?  I have never been one to make resolutions for the new year, because I like millions of other people are notorious for breaking these goals.  But this year is different.  This year I framed my goals in a picture frame and placed it on my wall, so every time I walk by it I remember that I have a goal to obtain, and not some far off fantasy.  I decorated it and placed a boarder around it, it totally looks like a piece of art on the wall, and to any random person that comes into my house will think of it as art, but to me, this is what my life will be focused  on this year. This year my goals are spiritually related or fitness related.  I want to learn to love to run, so when I move out to the East Coast Caitlin and I are going to train to run a  5k.  I was thinking the other day, why wait till the end of February to start training, why not start now, it's a new year, so a new exercise program is mandatory. 

So yesterday I started the Couch to 5K training.  It's basically slowly working up to running a 5k in 9 weeks.  You train 3 days a week, for 30 minutes a day, by intertwining jogging and brisk walking for recovery.  Yesterday was day 1.  All I had to do was a warm up and cool down walk, then jog 1 minute then walk 90 seconds, and back and forth for 20 minutes.  60 seconds doesn't sound to long, right?  HAHA well when you are jogging and staring at the clock waiting for the 60 seconds to be up, it seems like forever!  But I felt so accomplished when I was done, and thought "that wasn't too bad" my legs are a little sore but not too bad.  Here is too meeting my New Years Resolutions and hopefully encouraging you to do the same....

Late night tricks

Hey Yall,
Caitlin here- Okay, so a while ago I posted a blog about food tricks and the games we play to allow us to eat food we shouldn't. This blog is going to be more about what we do to keep from eating food we shouldn't. I thought about this last night as I was eating a spoon full of ice cream. It was about 11pm or so and  I told myself I could have two spoons full of ice cream. I then asked myself how I was going to keep myself from going back for more. My solution? Fluoride. I brushed my teeth, flossed, then used fluoride. For me, I know brushing alone won't work. Why? Cause I can get a big tube of toothpaste for .99 cents. I don't feel bad about brushing my teeth, then 20 min later deciding I want more food,  then having to brush my teeth again. Fluoride however is a whole different story. That stuff is expensive. The store brand type I buy is 3.50 for a bottle! That is more than the cost of gas- slightly ridiculous if you ask me. Thus, I know that I will not waste that stuff- so once the fluoride has been used I will no longer be eating for the evening. What tips/tricks do you use to control late night snacking???

Ba Da Bap Baa Baaaaa....Not lovin' it.

Hey Yall,
Caitlin here- Today was day 1 of C25K. My love for running will definitely not develop overnight. It went okay- although I must admit, I made a few tweaks. First tweak- I began with a six min brisk walk instead of  a five min brisk walk. This was because when I hit the 5 min mark I was on a hill- and I just refuse to begin my running up hill. Thus, I decided to give myself time to finish the hill. The nice thing about that is I began my running going downhill- made it seem a bit easier. Second tweak- instead of running for a min and walking for 90 seconds, I ran for a min and walked for 2 min. Trying to watch the seconds pass on my watch is difficult for it is very small- so I just decided I would give myself the extra 30 seconds. I also think I am going to do week 1 for two weeks instead of just one. I really want to work myself into running and not take on too much all at once. With all of that being said- today went okay. I wasn't constantly looking at my watch begging for the minute of running to be over until the very last run. I consider that a success. I really think the worst part was that my mouth was constantly getting sticky- which made it hard to breath and drink. Also, I could tell I was pushing myself because I was starting to slightly feel my lunch, and my legs were beginning to tense up (although that could just mean I need to stretch more).  I am looking forward to when I can look back at this moment and say to myself "man, running for a min is so easy!" One of these days that will happen. The weirdest part of it all? My lungs didn't really start feeling the burn until after I was done with my walk/run- but right now they feelin it- slightly phlemy- but that will go away with time and training. Overall- day one: success!

Monday, January 3, 2011

I hate running

Hey yall,
Caitlin here- Okay, I admit it- I hate running. I want to love it, I truly do- but I just don't. I think I enjoy being lazy too much. That being said- Ashley and I are beginning the C25K, which stand for Couch to 5K. It is a running regiment that is suppose to help you go from being a couch potato to running a 5K in 9 weeks- so just over 2 months. Ashley is suppose to start it today- and I will be starting it tomorrow. I must say, I am not overly thrilled, but I have chosen to live a healthier lifestyle, so it is worth a shot. Besides, I can't let Ashley start without me. I refuse to be outdone- REFUSE!!! *imagine me pumping my fists in the air while yelling this- cause really that's what i'm doing lol!) I have to say though, I may end up eating my own words. I very well could be outdone by her- and I kinda hope I am. This does not mean I want to do poorly or just give up- it means I want her to do exceedingly well. Once she gets to the east coast her and I plan on training together. This will definitely be a motivation for me. It is a lot easier to keep going when you have someone besides you telling you that you can do it. It also helps when you know you have to keep pace with someone. Thus, I am going to start practicing now- but the real work begins when Ashley gets here in Feb. I believe the goal is doing a 5K together by her birthday in May. We will keep you updated on our progress. Please, I beg of you- ask how we are doing- it is a great form of accountability. As yall know, I want this blog to be interactive- let me know what you think and how you are feeling. With that I leave you with this:  What is your best motivation for working out? What is your favorite workout? Add a comment and let me know! Until next time- peace, love, and toilet paper- cause without toilet paper it is difficult to have peace and love :P Cait