Friday, March 25, 2011

New Day

Hey Yall,
Caitlin here: So I think I may have finally found what works for me. My own form of accountability. I have set a goal and created a chart to help me monitor my progress. I am currently plateaued at around 205. My goal is to be to 180 by the end of the summer. I have a chart for each week starting April 1st and ending Sept 3rd. I will weigh in every Saturday and document it on the chart. This will help me to see my progress and to hold myself accountable. As stated before, my goal is to be to 180 by Sept 3rd. That is about a pound a week, which is manageable. Anyone want to join me in this challenge? 25 lbs by the end of the summer? Let me know!


Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Hey Yall,
Caitlin here: Okay, I admit it, I need prayers. I am honestly getting to the point where I feel like ever since Ashley and I began this blog I have just been under attack. What I mean by that is this: Since beginning the blog I have lost almost all the time I have available to work out and have lost some motivation to eat healthy, I still eat healthy more than I did a year ago, but less than when I started this whole journey. It just seems that in the area of being fit and healthy everything is going awry. As stated in a previous post, my work schedule is kinda crazy. A typical work schedule for me is: Sunday: 2pm-9pm or 4pm-9pm depending on the week, Mon-Thur: 7am-9:30am, 3pm-9pm, Fri: 7am-10am. That should be what my week looks like. However, since October my Monday's have been 7am-9pm. Also, clients have been home at least one or two days during the week for various reasons, meaning I am working 7am-9pm multiple times during the week. On top of that, one of my clients had to have some emergency major surgery, which means at least a month or two of recovery, thus meaning I will not have any semblance of a normal schedule for a long time to come. That also means a lot of eating out. I am currently working weird shifts so that she can have staffing while in the hospital on top of maintaining the home and other client. That means I am at the hospital for at least one meal a day, sometimes more. Luckily I have been picking healthier options like fish and salad, but you all know how difficult it is to eat healthy when you have not prepared it yourself. All of that has been said just to say please pray. I truly feel like I do not have the time to workout and now even my ability and honestly my desire to eat healthy is out the door too. Just pray that God will instill in me the motivation to exercise and that He grant me the time to do so. Also that I get the desire to really buckle down on my healthy eating. It is truly a struggle right now. Any prayers are welcome. Thanks all!
