Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I'm Satisfied

Hey yall,
Caitlin here: So this particular post is of a comical nature. I was introduced to this song a few years back and loved it. I think we all can relate to it. It is to the tune of "I will survive" the song is I'm satisfied and it is by Chonda Pierce. I hope you appreciate the lyrics:

I’m Satisfied 
Chonda Pierce 
At first I was afraid I was mortified 
Kept thinking I would get a treadmill when I turned 45 
But then I spent so many nights eating all those krispy kremes
And I could see, I’d never fit in my blue jeans 
And so im back 
On norditrack   
I just walk miles and I get nowhere  
Trying to burn up all this fat 
I should have changed to pepsi free, cottage cheese, or celery 
If I had known for just one second there’d be so much more of me 
I go and go 
I walk out the door 
I just turn around now  
And there’s the weight I was before  
Who said that being fit would somehow set me free? 
Oh no not I, I’m satisfied 
I don’t care if I will never be a size 2 in my life 
I’ve got all my life to live  and ive got all this love to give 
I’m satisfied, I’m satisfied, hey hey 
I count all those silly rice cakes that won’t pass through my lips 
I just want chocolate covered donuts hanging on my hips  
Cause I spent oh so many nights just trying to starve myself 
I use to cry, but now I always supersize 
And you can see, there’s more of me 
I’m not that scrawny little girl that I used to be  
Fried foods and double chins are still a girls best friend 
Keep those models on the run way, cause im a perfect 10  
Repeat chorus 

Never forget that no matter what size you may be you are worth so much! Don't get down on yourself during your journey to a healthier life style, choose to be satisfied! 

Monday, February 7, 2011

Why I've Been Silent

Hey Yall,
Caitlin here: I know I have not written in a while, but that has been for good reason....I haven't had anything to write about. These past few weeks have been a struggle. The only form of exercise I get is when I go for a walk/jog outside during the day. I have had a couple different things keep me from being able to do this. 1) Bad weather- we got 6" of snow about two weeks ago. This caused downed trees and power lines and it took a long time for the city to get it cleared up, making jogging unsafe, 2) My clients- usually they go to day programs and I get time off during the day. The past month I have had one or both clients home all day for 3-4 days in a row, meaning no time off for me. Needless to say, on the days that I did not have them home I chose to nap and relax. I would love to say that I am blogging now because I am back on the wagon, but that just isn't true and probably won't be for another few weeks. However, I have done two positive things in the meantime. First, I bought a new pair of running shoes. This way when I start running again I have a good pair of shoes to use. Second, I have not gained any weight. I may not be losing any, but the fact that I haven't exercised in three weeks, and haven't been eating as healthy as I have in the past yet I am still maintaining my weight, makes me happy. I still have a few more weeks where my clients will be home more than usual, meaning I end up working at least 60 hour weeks. Who wants to exercise after working a 60 hour work week??? Certainly not this girl. However I do promise to do start C25K again once things at work have calmed down.  How have things been going with you???